CSCI 381: Deep Learning


This course is an introduction to deep neural architectures and their training. Beginning with the fundamentals of regression, optimization, and regularization, the course will then survey a variety of architectures and their associated applications. Students will develop projects that implement deep learning systems to perform various tasks. Prerequisites: Computer Science 136 and the Discrete Math Proficiency Requirement.


Professor: Mark Hopkins,

Class Schedule: MWF 11-1150am (Section 1), noon-1250pm (Section 2)

Office Hours: Tu 1-230pm, W 2-330pm, Th 2-330pm (TCL 309)

Syllabus: downloadable here



  1. Machine Learning: (pdf)
  2. Gradient Descent: (pdf)
  3. Variants of Gradient Descent: (pdf)
  4. Multidimensional Gradient Descent: (pdf)
  5. Argmin and Monotonicity: (pdf)
  6. Linear Regression: (pdf)
  7. Regularization: (pdf)
  8. Logistic Regression: (pdf)
  9. Function Graphs: (pdf)
  10. Optimizing Logistic Regression: (pdf)
  11. Limitations of Linear Models: (pdf)
  12. Neural Networks: (pdf)
  13. Activation Functions: (pdf)
  14. Backpropagation: (pdf)
  15. Minibatch Gradient Descent: (pdf)
  16. Parameter Initialization: (pdf)
  17. Dropout: (pdf)
  18. Convolutional Neural Networks: (pdf)
  19. Higher Order Kernels: (pdf)
  20. Padding: (pdf)
  21. Pooling: (pdf)
  22. Computing Convolutions: (pdf)
  23. Token Embeddings: (pdf)
  24. Recurrent Neural Networks: (pdf)
  25. Encoder-Decoder Models: (pdf)
  26. Attention: (pdf)
  27. Parallel Sequence Encoding: (pdf)
  28. Transformer Decoders: (pdf)
  29. Batch and Layer Normalization: (pdf)
  30. Residual Connections: (pdf)
  31. Multihead Attention: (pdf)
  32. Foundation Models: (pdf)
  33. Style Transfer: (pdf)



  1. Github Classroom Walkthrough: (mp4)
  2. Introduction to Tensors: (repo)
  3. Module Training: ( (
  4. Dropout: (
  5. Digitize!: (repo)
  6. Bitpatterns: (repo)
  7. Image Convolutions: (
  8. Word Embeddings: (
  9. RNNs: (
  10. RNN Decoding With Attention: (
  11. Batch Normalization: (





Feb 2: Introduction

Feb 5: Torch and Tensors

  • Classroom Activity: (repo)

Feb 7: Supervised Learning/Gradient Descent

Feb 9: Multidimensional Gradient Descent

Feb 12: Argmin and Monotonic Functions

Feb 14: Linear Regression

Feb 17: Carnaval d’Hiver

Feb 19: Regularization

Feb 21: Logistic Regression/Function Graphs

Feb 23: Optimizing Logistic Regression

Feb 26: “Logistics” Lab Session

Feb 28: Neural Networks

Mar 1: Activation Functions/Backpropagation

Mar 4: Minibatch Gradient Descent

Mar 6: Autograd/Torch Modules

Mar 8: Autograd/Torch Modules

Mar 11: Parameter Initialization

Mar 13: Dropout

Mar 15: Digitize!

  • Lecture Code: (repo)

Apr 1: Convolutional Neural Networks

Apr 3: Higher Order Kernels

Apr 5: Padding and Pooling

Apr 10: Token Embeddings

Apr 12: Recurrent Neural Networks

Apr 15: Encoder-Decoder Models

Apr 17: Attention

  • Lecture Code (RNN Decoding with Attention): (

Apr 19: Transformers

Apr 22: Batch and Layer Normalization

Apr 24: Residual Connections and Multihead Attention

Apr 29: Style Transfer

May 1: Style Transfer Lab

May 3: Graphics Processing Units

May 6: The Herculaneum Scrolls